Saturday, April 6, 2013

Nothing is Real: Even China More Concerned with Rule of Law than Obama

     The suspect in a heinous mass-murder of Chinese nationals on the Mekong River, Naw Kham,  successfully hid for months in the Laotian jungles and mountains.  As he was continually abetted by local drug lords and corrupt foreign officials and populace, Chinese security forces considered using a drone strike to kill Kham.  Citing international law and national sovereignty issues, Chinese officials eventually abandoned the idea and opted instead to be patient and wait to capture Kham.  Subsequent to his arrest, Kham received a nationally televised trial complete with an appeals process, before finally being executed by lethal injection.
     Certainly any story from China needs to be treated with suspicion, but the fact remains that the U.S., at least for now, is the only nation to embrace the drone assassination model.
     Another critical angle to this story is the complicity of the New York Times in framing  the events so that President Obama would not suffer in comparison to the Chinese.  As Glenn Greenwald writes, either China or Russia will finally kill someone in another country with a drone, and U.S. political and media circles will erupt with condemnation.
     Read the Greenwald article from "The Guardian" here.

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